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Elements has deliberately proven his actions,Motorcycles were brought from the Netherlands and then brought

Elements has deliberately proven his actions.

Tangerang kota, posindonesianews.id

Elements has deliberately proven his actions, Motorcycles were brought from the Netherlands and then brought from France and then on board the plane and arrived in Indonesia. The elements are met. Article 102 letter A concerning amendments to Article 10 must be proven to be the second alternative article.

In conjunction with Article 55. The case indicted by the public prosecutor is not a case. ordinary crime, evidence that is acted on by customs is not a registration in the name of the defendant. Imports are encouraged to enter into the Indonesian customs area. 

Or the provisions on export and import carried by passengers regarding customs. Article 82 Regarding the absolute authority of customs investigators. The defendant fulfills the elements of evidence for the indictment on customs. The defense of the attorney general of law has been put aside in its entirety, said the panel of judges, who rejected the defense of the attorney. 

The reason the defendant committed the crime was only to have a close relationship with fellow motorcycle enthusiasts Harly Davidson. I Gusti Ngurah Askar as Director of PT Garuda and Iwan Junianto, director of engineering and service directors, need to be sentenced to probation. The evidence in the Igusti Ngurah Askara case was made into the Iwan Junianto case.

As a result of this case the defendant was dismissed from his position as director of Garuda Indonesia. The evidence was confiscated for the state. I Gusti Ngurah Askara is sentenced to 1 year in prison and fined 300 million rupiah if he is unable to pay the fine, his property is confiscated by the prosecutor if it is not sufficient to serve 3 months in prison.

Meanwhile, Iwan Juniarto is also sentenced to 1 year fined 150 million if he is unable to pay within 1 month. If the assets are not auctioned enough, they are sentenced to 2 months in prison. The defendant Iwan Junianto took part in a crime related to customs. The evidence of Karna’s motorbike was not confiscated for the state. 

Pay the case five thousand rupiah. The lawyers for the defendants Arvid SH and Andre Sinaga SH. We respect the judge’s decision. And the prosecution. Although I don’t agree with the verdict. That’s the best, said Arvid in front of the media crew. 

We respect everyone and we as the defendant’s attorney will use 7 days. For a while thinking whether to say thank you or appeal there is still 7 days, said Andre. Public Prosecutor Reza Vahlefi SH also said that first think about it, I have a superior. I’ll report the results later. The decision is with the boss, said Reza SH. (arfaiz/henry/pn)

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