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This morning the joint SAR team again conducted a search for a teenager named M. Hasbi (17) who was swept

Sukabumi, posindonesianews.id

This morning the joint SAR team again conducted a search for a teenager named M. Hasbi (17) who was swept away by the current at Istiqomah Beach, Citepus, Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi Regency.

“Today we will maximally search for victims by deploying personnel and equipment in the field in the hope that the victims will be found soon,” said Hendra Sudirman, SE, M.Sc., Head of the Jakarta Search and Rescue Office as SMC (SAR Mission Coordinator).

According to him, he also explained that the joint SAR team this morning held a briefing to determine the SAR operation on Thursday (17/6) morning at around 07.00 WIB. This morning’s SAR operation will be divided into 2 (two) search areas where the first SRU conducts a search around the incident location with an area of ​​8 NM² using a Rubber Boat, then the second SRU conducts a visual search along the coast as far as 4 KM from the incident location.

“The elements who are members of the joint SAR team are the Sukabumi SAR Post, BPBD Kab. Sukabumi, Kab. Sukabumi, Polres Kab. Sukabumi, Palabuhan Ratu Koramil, Balawista Kab. Sukabumi, Siberu, ACT Sukabumi, Sarda, Karang Taruna Citepus, HNSI Kab. Sukabumi, District Scout Cares. Sukabumi, Horizon Records, IEA Kab. Sukabumi, Equator, RAPI Pelabuhan Ratu, and the families of the victims,” ​​said Hendra

It is known that the victim drowned on Wednesday (16/6) this morning at around 05.30 WIB in the waters of Istiqomah Citepus Beach, Palabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. At that time the victim was swimming with his friend before the victim was swept away by the current and drowned.

“The victim’s colleague, Aldy, was able to provide help, but unfortunately because of the strong current, the victim was finally released from his friend’s reach and is still in the process of searching for the joint SAR team,” he said (henry/ptl/tsar)

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