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Hundreds of rickshaws lined the gate and greeted the delegates.

Tangerang, posindonesianews.id

Today, a delegation from the Forum Partnerships in Environmental Management for The Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA).

Network of Local Governments (PNLG) visited Ketapang Urban Aquaculture in Mauk District, Tangerang Regency.

The participants were greeted by taking a trishaw to the location, Friday (10/28/2022).

Baca juga : Bambang Tri Mulyanto yang mengatakan bahwa ijazah Presiden Jokowi adalah palsu.

Hundreds of rickshaws lined the gate and greeted the delegates.

Once they arrived at the location, the pedicab drivers one by one offered their services and approached the participants who had just gotten off the car.

Today’s agenda, the participants visited Ketapang Urban Aquaculture, a mangrove conservation area and aquaculture ecotourism.

This visit is part of the 2022 PNLG Forum which will be held on 25-29 October 2022.

Baca juga : Said Zaki Iskandar, Head of the Center for the Study, What Regent 

Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, made a breakthrough by turning a coastal area that is synonymous with slums and dirty into an international pilot area.

The mangrove conservation area and the Ketapang Aquaculture ecotourism in Tangerang Regency.

Have been transformed from an area that was previously slum and dirty to now become the venue for the 2022 PNLG Forum international event.

“We have the Gerbang Mapan program, with all the things that we have gone through and done, there may still be some shortcomings.

But instead by inviting many people we will get a lot of input and also suggestions for the next development,” said Ahmed Zaki Iskandar.

Due to his success in transforming the region, now Bang Zaki, his nickname, is trusted to serve as Vice President of.

The Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Network of Local Governments (PNLG) which consists of 11 countries.

Tangerang was chosen as the location for this celebration because it is not only a model for developing coastal villages, but also a model in Indonesia and East Asia.

Because of that, Ketapang Village has even become an international icon.

This is inseparable from the success of Tangerang in managing the coastal area by developing it in terms of economic, social, educational, environmental and community empowerment.

The arrangement of coastal areas by the Tangerang Regency Government is carried out in a cross-sectoral and sustainable manner.

With the flagship program of the Movement to Build Coastal Communities (Gerbang Mapan) which began in 2015, the results of the arrangement of the coastal area of about 51.2 km have been seen.

In fact, many institutions, local and international governments have adopted this flagship program for structuring coastal areas to be implemented in their respective areas. 

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