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There needs to be regulations and the MUI in Jakarta should not allow.

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id.

Foreign factory employee Ito Ws asked the National Police to arrest gambling and online gaming websites.
Online games that mislead young people, even the lower middle economic class, spend a lot of their money on gambling and online games, in Batam to Pelawan, Riau, Sunday (12/11). 

In the Batam and Riau Islands areas, there are around millions of people who are crazy about gambling and online games. 

According to Ito Ws (45), he lives in Batam as a worker for a foreign company. 

It is sad to hear that his son and factory workers play gambling and online games.

 "I ask the National Police Chief and the Ministry of Communication and Development to close and arrest online gambling and gaming websites," said Ito Ws in Batam. 

According to Ust. Amrizal, S.Ag. There needs to be regulations and the MUI in Jakarta should not allow gambling and online games to develop.

 "In the Batam area, millions of children from the younger generation and lower economic classes are threatened with their income from gambling," said Ust. Amruzal. 
asmin / henry / posin

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