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Kapolsek Pakuhaji Metro, Tangerang City Police, Raise Masks every day.

AKP. Dodi Kapolsek Pakuhaji Metro Tangerang City Police

Tangerang Kab, posindonennews, com

Every day, morning and evening raids. Anyway, 1 day 2 times, morning 2 hours, afternoon 2 hours. From February 2021, motorists have been noble and aware of how important it is to wear a mask when motorists.

For the Mask Raids, it is the goal of making the public wiser, that masks also protect the health of motorists who pass in front of the Pakuhaji Police Office.

Apart from wearing helmets, they are also encouraged to wear masks. That it is important when traveling outside the house that it is recommended to wear attributes that protect the health of motorists, be it two-wheeled or four-wheeled.

“Every 09.00 hours until 11.00 hours, stage I (first) is completed, then for stage II (second) employees come home from work around 16.00 to 18.00 WIB with 3 pillars”, this was said by AKP. Dodi Kapolsek Pakuhaji Metro Tangerang City Police at posindonesianews.id, this Tuesday (23/02)

Dodi said, this raid was also assisted by the local TNI, Trantib and Police, so that motorists would always be active and would get used to it. “If you are caught not wearing a mask, we tell you to get off the motorbike and car, so they put the mask on,” he said. (henri / pn)

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