There will be a massive mutation tomorrow Wednesday, (24/02) at the National Police Headquarters will

There will be a massive mutation tomorrow Wednesday, (24/02) at the National Police Headquarters will
There will be a massive mutation tomorrow Wednesday, (24/02) at the National Police Headquarters will immediately hand over the position (sertijab) of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim) of the National Police, quoted by jpnn
a number of Kapolda, and several other important positions. The plan is that tomorrow (24/2) a handover ceremony for the Head of Criminal and Criminal Investigation will be held at the Police Headquarters Rupatama, Jakarta.
Brig. Gen. Rusdi Hartono, Karopenmas, Divhumas Police, confirmed this handover plan. “The plan is tomorrow (sertijab),” said Rusdi when confirmed, Tuesday (23/2).
With the holding of certijab, then Komjen Agus Andrianto will officially serve as the Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police after the position is vacant by General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who has become Chief of Police.
“All of them participated in certijab, not only Kabareskrim, but also the Kapolda,” added Rusdi.
It is known that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, chose Komjen Agus Andrianto to occupy the position of Head of Criminal and Criminal Investigation Police.
The officer who is currently the Head of the National Police Headquarters will be the number one person in the body bearing the bow and arrow. (netty / henri / pn)