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In July 1952 Baduy people were already known by Ir. Soekarno, the former President of the Republic of Indonesia (PRI)

In July 1952 Baduy people were already known by Ir. Soekarno, the former President of the Republic of Indonesia (PRI)

Banten, posindonesianews.id

In July 1952 Baduy people were already known by Ir. Soekarno, the former President of the Republic of Indonesia (PRI). PRI Ir. Soekarno at that time, he did not see, what people are aristocrats, when all humans meet him it is an important matter for the continuity of life as a country.

Baduy People Met the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia, it was with pleasure, he faced each other, he was even like the Ambassador of the Baduy tribe, and he had time to talk about how this country is going to be in the future.

The Baduy people have always been familiar with the government, Aman, Tentram, even he resolves cases by simply negotiating. How fun he was talking with Ir. Soekarno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia.

They have talked about security, order, freedom and expressed their opinion in public. Of course, if we talk about the mindset, how come baduy people can go to the meeting of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, of course if we watch and think, it will happen.

According to the Baduy community, Baduy has also been known by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, who directly met the President was a delegation from a Banduy figure, namely, Surat Manadita, the head of the Baduy custom in July 1952 last year.

“We make sure that the highest laws are the beliefs of our ancestors,” he said Sandi Wartadinata.

Sandi Wartadinata continued that we in Baduy, the land of Pasundan, still trust and trust our ancestors. Without him, maybe this Baduy descendant does not exist.

“As for the regulations on marriage, the settlement of cases both individually and as representatives, continue to use meetings and sit together, in order to achieve consensus results,” he said. (henri / pn)


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