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The President has withdrawn the attachment points in Presidential Regulation

The President has withdrawn the attachment points in Presidential Regulation

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id 

The President has withdrawn the attachment points in Presidential Regulation No. 10/2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector which regulates investment in the liquor industry.

 “I hereby declare that I have decided on the attachment to the Presidential Decree regarding the opening of new investment in the liquor industry which contains alcohol, I declare it to be revoked,” said President Jokowi

On the Presidential Secretariat Youtube channel seen in Jakarta, Tuesday. Perpres No.10/2021 was issued on February 2, 2021 as a derivative regulation of the Job Creation Law. 

The Presidential Regulation No. 10/2021 does not specifically regulate alcohol, but rather about investment. However, it is stated in the regulation that the alcohol industry in certain areas in Indonesia, namely Bali Province, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, North Sulawesi Province, and Papua Province. 

President Jokowi said he made the decision after hearing various suggestions. “After receiving input from MUI ulama, Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah and other mass organizations and other religious figures as well as inputs from provinces and regions,” said the President.(dendi/indra/pn)

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