Wahidim Halim, the Governor of Banten, was very angry and emotional. with the behavior of the apparatus as ASN

Wahidim Halim, the Governor of Banten, was very angry and emotional. with the behavior of the apparatus as ASN
Banten, posbantennews.com
Wahidim Halim, the Governor of Banten, was very angry and emotional. with the behavior of the apparatus as ASN, and the old style is still used by the Civil Servant. There needs to be proof who told who, and who is the mastermind behind this cutting.
Wahidin Halim reported an alleged cut in aid funds for Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) to the Banten High Prosecutor’s Office. As is known, in the 2020 fiscal year, the Banten Provincial Government has allocated assistance of Rp. 117 billion for as many as 4,042 Islamic boarding schools throughout Banten.
“It was me who reported to the Attorney General’s Office. So much information about the cutting, it was not ASN (state civil servants), officials, no. Ask the prosecutor, it was me who reported it,” Wahidin told reporters at his official residence, Thursday (8/8). 4/2021).
According to Wahidin, the report on the alleged budget cut was proof of his commitment to clean up corruption in Banten.
“So that people don’t take advantage of it. Even though we don’t know how many (allegedly cut). This is still in the process of being investigated, it has not yet reached investigation,” said Wahidin.
Wahidin admitted that he often asked law enforcement officials for help in making a policy.
The former mayor of Tangerang gave an example, when he asked for a legal view regarding the plan to increase capital participation in Bank Banten to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
“When Bank Banten, I went to the Chairman of the KPK. Likewise, when I wanted to provide equity, I also reported, is it okay or not? I asked for legal considerations, that’s my style, that’s my nature,” said Wahidin.
Wahidin guaranteed that he would not provide legal assistance if there were already suspects named by investigators.
“I will not defend it, if it is not ordered by an ASN person to dare outsiders to cut Pondok Pasyanteren’s money. To get involved with ASN we are waiting for an investigation from the KPK,” said Wahidin. (henri / pn / kompas.com)