In addition, his party, together with partner organizations, also conducts research on the coast. 26 October 2022, 05:12 am Tangerang, President of Partnerships in Environmental Management for The Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA)…
Nearly millions of residents saw the party of the people of Kab. Tangerang, Banten. Today’s visit to Mauk Sisir Magruk will be inaugurated 26 October 2022, 01:06 am Tangerang, Today, Wednesday (26/10) the celebration of the Regent of Tangerang, H. Ahmed Zaki…
The delegation from 11 countries is planning to visit the Urban Aquaculture area in Ketapang Village, Mauk District 19 October 2022, 13:35 pm Tangerang - A total of 11 countries in East Asia sent delegates to participate…
The defendant was proven guilty of his actions not proven to be criminal. (Osnlag) Tuesday 18 September 2022 18 October 2022, 14:34 pm Jakarta, Oey Natjiee's break-up was a hard slap for the Tangerang City Chief of…
He also doesn’t have an answer yet, maybe it’s also in legal settlement When confirmed by Anah, the staff tried not to give an answer, what explained 17 October 2022, 13:36 pm Jakarta - When asked by the Rice Lawyers, they did not answer, to what extent…
Also ordered police personnel to always be solid and work hard in carrying out the main tasks and functions (tupoksi) of the Bhayangkara Corps 15 October 2022, 09:57 am Jakarta - posindonennews President Jokowi ordered the National Police Chief to take firm action against…