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Banten Regional Police Conducts Patrols to Give Prokes Appeals

Banten Regional Police Conducts Patrols to Give Prokes Appeals

Banten, posindonesianews.id

Banten Police Ditpamobvit personnel carry out Patrols for the priority program of the Ditpamobvit Korsabhara Baharkam Polri Satker, in patrol carrying out checks of Ditpamobvit rooms, morning and evening apples in front of the Banten Police SPKT room to combing the National Police Obvitnas and Obter of the Banten Regional Police. last week

Banten Police Chief Inspector General Pol Dr. Rudy Heriyanto SH, MH, MBA, through Dirpamobvit Kombes Pol Istiono SH, told reporters that the Banten Police’s Ditpamobvit personnel carried out patrols to increase security and security at National Obvitnas and Obter Areas of each Banten Police Legal Police.

“Ditpamobvit, the ranks of the Banten Regional Police are patrolling the jurisdiction of each police station to provide security and comfort as well as an appeal for health work to break the Covid-19 chain,” said Istiono.

Meanwhile, the Head of Banten Regional Police Head of Public Relation, Kombes Pol, Edy Sumardi, when met with the media crew, explained, “Thank God the routine patrols of the Banten Police’s Ditpamobvit personnel run every day with police ranks, and during the patrol there are no prominent disturbances, the surrounding community is safe and conducive, and the press always carries out an appeal to prevent the transmission of covid 19 “, said Edy Sumardi. (Ade / pn / hmaspolda)

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