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Camat Pakuhaji deserves a thumbs up, Brother Ifan Efendi, who is blind and accompanied

Camat Pakuhaji deserves a thumbs up, Brother Ifan Efendi, who is blind and accompanied

Tangerang district, posindonesianews.id

Camat Pakuhaji deserves a thumbs up, Brother Ifan Efendi, who is blind and accompanied by Muhamad Irpan, was picked up by Camat Asmawi as the Head of Pakuhaji Subdistrict, immediately taken to the Pakuhaji Regional General Hospital (RSUD), last Monday, quoted by Journalists .id 

Then upon arrival at the location at around 08:00 am, the sub-district head and accompanied by the Sekcam and sub-district staff were also present, the Head of Pakuhaji Suyatno accompanied and moved to the seven Pakuhaji Hospital For the eye health examination of Brother Ifan Effendi. Ida Kusmawati as an officer of the Pakuhaji Regional Hospital welcomed us by helping to manage all administration in the hospital until it was examined by a Team of Hospital Doctors who are experts in their fields, so that they do not get Covid-19.

“Basically, it is our obligation to help and serve as well as facilitate the treatment of Ifan Effendi’s brother and help provide referrals if the patient wants to be referred to a hospital that deals specifically with the eye,” said Ida Kusmawati, the official officer of Pakuhaji Hospital to reporters yesterday.

After examining the team of doctors for almost an hour, brother Ifan Efendi accompanied by Irpan and several sub-district staff continued to the District office to record ID cards which were served properly and quickly by service staff.

“We are sorry if there is still service in Pakuhaji sub-district. What is less than optimal, the point is that we as public servants want to serve the best we can. Because the best service is our spirit, ”emphasized Asmawi Head of Pakuhaji District.

Indeed, Appreciation for the quick response of the Pakuhaji sub-district government to our complaints. And it is fitting for maximum service to be carried out by the government to the community, especially for people who have special needs such as Ifan Effendi’s brother who is blind.

“Hopefully tomorrow never again like what happened to brother Ifan,” said Muhamad Irpan Legal Counsel to journalistika.id media crew.

Ifan Effendi, a Blind Patient, said, Thank you to Pak Camat Pakuhaji and Pakuhaji Hospital and Pak Irfan who helped me from the start.

“Thank you to Mrs. Director of the Regional Hospital and Mrs. Ida Kusmawati. The staff of Pakuhaji Hospital, Bang Irpan and the sub-district head for taking care of me for my eye treatment. Thanks also I made my KTP, hopefully it will be fast because I have long wanted to have an KTP “. He said it was flawed. (Henri / pn)


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