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Congratulations on duty, Mas Prayitno alias Arfaiz, who has just occupied a new position

Congratulations on duty, Mas Prayitno alias Arfaiz, who has just occupied a new position

Banten, posindonesianews.id

Congratulations on duty, Mas Prayitno alias Arfaiz, who has just occupied a new position, namely the Chief Editor of Matapost.com, I hope he is entrusted with carrying out his new duties.

The new task is heavy and the responsibility is bigger than the portion of the journalist / journalist. The back and forth of journalists / journalists in matapost media is a skill and acts as a leader.

Congratulations on duty and hopefully one way with the company leadership. And don’t forget, the struggle is endless, if we have the intention and want to work hard and don’t forget to pray to the creator, the heavy steps will be made easier by the creator.

According to Prayitno alias Arfaiz the Chief Editor (Pimpred) of matapost.com said, it is really hard to be a leader, but I will try, as hard as I can. So that my performance is not as easy as turning my hand.

“I need a struggle, and the challenges ahead are very tough. I believe that God will help me in my work, ”said Prayitno

He continued, I will try to do the best for this company, and I will nurture, protect and be persuasive to the members of my journalists, heads and ranks.

“The point is I will always coordinate with the company leadership and my subordinates, the point is I serve the company that you lead,” he said.(henri/pn)

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