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The ceremony was held at the Banten Province BPN Regional Office Field and was.

Serang, posindonesianews.id

Quoting from the Guidelines for Organizing the 116th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) 2024 published by.

The Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia that the 116th Anniversary of National Awakening is to maintain, grow and strengthen the spirit ofgrow and strengthen.

The spirit of national nationalism as the basic foundation realizing a Golden Indonesia within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Today we are faced with a reality that is clearly visible, namely, rapid technological progress.

“We have chosen not only to participate, but more than that, to become important players in order to reach the world,” said the Head of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency for Banten Province, Sudaryanto, reading the remarks.

Of the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo) during the 2024 Harkitnas commemoration ceremony. , Monday (20/5/2024).

“Technological advances have approached our daily lives and become part of our civilization today,” he continued .

“Many difficulties have been successfully solved by technology.

The adage in this era is clear, he who controls technology, he also controls civilization.

“At this point the picture is getting clearer, mastery of technology is a necessity for us to welcome a Golden Indonesia,” continued Sudaryanto.

After reading the Minister of Communication and Information’s speech, Sudaryanto asked his staff to interpret the 116th Harkitnas 2024 as a moment to rise up,

“As we have heard together, the use of technology is part of our civilization today.

“Our progress includes the existence of an electronic certificate service which we launched in Cilegon City some time ago,” said Sudaryanto.

Then at the end of this year it is planned that all land offices in Banten Province will launch electronic certificates and in the next few days we will encourage all districts/cities in Banten Province to complete them.

“Following Cilegon City, Tangerang City.

Hopefully by the end of this month it will become a Complete City, then South Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, Serang City, Pandeglang Regency and Lebak Regency,” he said.

“Challenges after challenges in the future, there is still a lot of homework (homework-ed) that we still have to do.

National Strategic Programs such as PTSL (Complete Systematic Land Registration-ed), land acquisition, land redistribution and other work.

We still have a lot to do “We mean this moment of national awakening to continue to rise, UP for Indonesia Emas and BPN Banten Jawara,” concluded Sudaryanto.

The ceremony was held at the Banten Province BPN Regional Office Field and was attended by all employees of the Banten Province BPN Regional Office and Land Offices throughout Banten.


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