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Former convict of a fake passport, Cut Cintyara Alona, ​​confirms the testimony of a police relationship witness

Tangerang city, posindonennews

The trial continued Cut Cintyara Alona, ​​the owner of the Alona hotel, The Public Prosecutor’s Office presented a witness for the return of the Polda Metro Jaya police who arrested and examined the cases of the defendants.


Public prosecutors Adib Fahri SH and Oktaviandi SH present witnesses Iptu Sukoco and Danang Hari, the previous trial, Cintyara Alona, ​​rejected the testimony of her sister, Abdul Azis and Dayka Afendi, alias ucok, her hotel employee, who was dating the victim, Sil cilia, an underage child who was sexually abused.

According to the testimony of the witness, Iptu Sokoco,
The examination of all defendants was without pressure and direction. Before the BAP file was signed, read it first, said Sukoco before the panel of judges, Mahmuryadin. SH MH.

Melany Dian Risiyantie SH MH CLA. ask for witnesses of restitution. Because the Defendant Alona was never examined as a witness to Abdul Ajis’s younger brother. And immediately named as a suspect. In the trial last week Abdul Ajis denied that he was not the manager of the Alona hotel.

The witness emphasized that when questioned, the defendant Abdul Ajis was the manager of the Alona hotel. The SMS in WA is correct, the SMS between Alona and Ajis asking the problem of jablay so that it is maintained.

Melany, Alona’s attorney, asked for the BAP file, at the time of the incident Alona was not at the hotel location. Witness allowed. Alona came to call the development of another suspect. Because there was Alona’s involvement as a witness, she was upgraded to a suspect.


The attorney for the defendant Alona insisted that Alona was not arrested and immediately made a suspect. According to the panel of judges Mahmuryadin. Alona was not arrested at the TKP, but from the BAP development Alona was in it. Summoned and asked for information and then determined to be a suspect, said the panel of judges convincing the defendant’s lawyer.

But Alona’s attorney is still adamant that her klayenya came to provide information on being a suspect. The judge again explained. The defendant was named a suspect on March 17, 2021. When Alona came to the Regional Police to explain her involvement, Alona, ​​from the witness of juvenile molestation, was determined to be a suspect.

BAP Abdul Ajis and Dayka Afandi alias Ucok said there was no coercion, said witness Sukoco, Abdul Ajis’ attorney, Halim Wijaya asked, “Abdul Ajis as the heir of the Alona hotel, the witness did not know.

Because the witness arrested the defendant Abdul Ajis and then it was developed who the owner of the Alona hotel was. From the testimony of the police, the defendants acknowledged this relationship.


The panel of judges adjourned the Thursday 16 September hearing to hear expert witnesses from the public prosecutor.

The lawyer for the defendant Halim Wijaya SH MH said. The trial went smoothly, the Public Prosecutor presented a witness from the Metro Jaya Regional Police at the request of the panel of judges

Last week’s trial defendant denied the BAP, after today’s trial all of them were admitted. The BAP questions were directed, everything was correct and the defendant answered correctly.

Abdul Ajis is neither a manager nor an heir. Abdul Ajis as an ordinary person was called from Semarang and worked as usual. There was no intimidation from investigators.

In the BAP as a manager and as an heir. If as an heir of course there is a deed as an inheritance, only the language is said, said the attorney for the defendant Abdul Ajis, the sister of the defendant Cut Contyara Alona.

The impact of the action is real, and they are currently undergoing it, said the defendant’s attorney.


Cut Cityara’s attorney, Alona Fitriyanti Dian SH MH, explained, “Today’s trial agenda presented a reciprocal witness who was denied by the defendant at last Sunday’s trial, but the testimony of the witness was not denied and the defendants justified it, said Fitri.

In the morning, witnesses were examined. That night at the suspect’s BAP. The point is to admit, at that time Alona was asked how she was pretentious and stressed. Because it was checked day and night, continued Jaka,

All statements of witnesses and defendants are already in the BAP, Alona admits that she is the owner of the hotel. The facts of Alona’s trial as a hotel owner. Management problems Alona doesn’t know about management problems because someone is managing them. Next Thursday, there will still be witnesses from the prosecutor from the expert, said Fitri.

by Arfaiz/henry/pn

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