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Susi Pudjiastuti arrived at the Round Building at around 09.00 WIB accompanied by her lawyer.

Jakarta – posindonennews com

Investigator of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General’s Office said he was examining former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

Susi Pudjiastuti as a witness in the alleged corruption case in the import of industrial salt, Friday. (07/10)

He confirmed that regarding the alleged corruption case at the KKP, we have arrested that the suspect’s statement contained indications behind the shipment of export salt and had taken steps.

“We hope that the minister of KKP in this case is only a witness, and there is a possibility that he will become a suspect,” said Dr. Ketut S, head of public relations at the AGO.

Accord ingat to his statement from the suspect, it was the minister’s mother who played a role in the export.

“Yes (checked) it is already in the Round Building,” said the Head of the Indonesian Attorney’s Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum). , after Friday prayers.

“Later Dirdik doorstop,” said Ketut

Susi Pudjiastuti arrived at the Round Building at around 09.00 WIB accompanied by her lawyer.

In this case, in 2018 there were 21 salt importing companies that received a quota of 3,770,346 tons of industrial salt import approval or a value of Rp. 2 trillion.

Without taking into account local salt stocks and available industrial salt stocks.

Resulting in an abundance of industrial salt. Quoted by Antara.com

The importers then illegally diverted the allotment of industrial 2018salt into consumption salt

With a fairly high price ratio, resulting in losses for local salt farmers and losses for the state economy.

.Henry / postn

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