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Which can be spoofed and used for political consumption related to the “HOAX ISSUE OF POST INSTABILITY”. about “Intolerance

Jakarta – posindonesianews.id

Dr. Bernard B Birvan Siagian SH AKP Deputy Head of GAKORPAN said as Social Control People feel sad about the You Tubers social media broadcast from a PGL Senior Pastor regarding, Friday, october 07, 2022

Hate Speech addressed to the parents of the late Brippol Nofriansyah Josua Hutabarat which is known as the “SAMBO CASE” Which is being investigated by P.21 by the Indonesian

“Attorney General’s Office in order to prepare for the Court Session so that this fateful event is bright and fair, especially for the victim’s family,” said Dr. Bernard DD Sagian.

Dr. Bernard DD, but it’s like getting slandered by the victim’s parents due to a Youtuber’s impression that is too judgmental “JUSTICE B0UW”, resulted in Netizen’s uproar and of course very detrimental to the good name of the parents of the family of the deceased Josua.

Who had been waiting for justice for his son who died tragically as a victim of his own commander’s premeditated murder. Then a member of GAKORPAN Dr BOY RUDI .S also received a quote.

Commemorative Letter Strong objection to the behavior of a senior pastor is a “STRONG REPRESENTATION” from the Central Governing Body of the Indonesian Bethel Church. 197/S

XVI/SU/BPP.GBI/IX/2022. Subject: WARNING.: (1). Giving a warning to PGL. for his statement on YouTuber Shows and has been circulating in various social media, resulting in

Pros and Cons in the wider community, as well as unintended impacts. Good for the Pastor’s corps and the good name of the GBI Organization. (2).

Ordering PGL to withdraw statements/shows that have caused uproar in the community no later than 3 X 24 hours in the future since this warning letter was made. (3) Order PGL to immediately apologize in person open so as not to cause a worse impact. (4).

Do not repeat the same actions by making statements outside of his capacity as a Pastor, but focus on proclaiming the word of God / the Gospel of Christ. Thus this warning letter is made to be immediately heeded by the Lord Jesus bless.

Signed Ketum Pdt DrRubin Adi Abraham and general secretary Josafat Mesach. Hopefully this troubled problem makes the community feel comfortable. wondering. what’s behind all this?! Is there a mastermind or intellectual actor behind this commotion. Show a Force Trending Topic The SAMBO Case.

“GAKORPAN Encourages the Apparatus to respond to it and investigate the investigation so that it does not become a disturbing public opinion bias for the GBI Priestess Corps.

Which can be spoofed and used for political consumption related to the “HOAX ISSUE OF POST INSTABILITY”. about “Intolerance Radicalism” which is raging, being vulnerable in the midst of Indonesian society with pluralism,” said Bernard

Bibi / Jhon / Henry / postn

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