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Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator Novel Baswedan

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator Novel Baswedan

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator Novel Baswedan received the first dose of Covid-19 vaccination at his office, South Jakarta, Tuesday (23/2). Quoted Jpnn

After being injected, Novel appealed to the public to support the COVID-19 vaccination program promoted by President Joko Widodo. “I think the government’s efforts to solve this pandemic problem must be supported by us. And regarding this vaccine, I think let’s all support the government’s program to be able to solve the Covid-19 problem by being vaccinated,” said Novel.

The novel tells of her experience of being vaccinated today. He admitted that the vaccine injection was almost imperceptible. It only felt a little, but after that there were no symptoms. Novel was also asked by the vaccinator to undergo observation for 30 minutes.

“What is clear, we all hope we can be healthy, this pandemic can end soon. And the government’s efforts to be able to solve the Covid-19 problem can be optimally successful. Of course we like it, we are happy when our activities return to normal,” said Novel Baswedan. . (Henri / pn)

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