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Prabowo didn’t want to reveal anything in the debate because he was protecting state secrets.

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Anies attacked Presidential Candidate No. 2 Prabowo Subiyanto in the debate over the confiscated defense equipment budget of 700 trillion.

I am grateful that Pak Prabowo was not provoked in the debate on the two defense and security budget issues.

Pak Prabowo didn’t want to reveal anything in the debate because he was protecting state secrets, said Andre Rosiadane.

Furthermore, the spokesperson for the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Andre Rosiade.

(Doc Antaranews) Prabowo-Gibran TKN spokesperson, Andre Rosiade, called number one presidential candidate Anies Baswedan an unethical figure and willing to lie to the public for the sake of power.

This was because Anies was considered unethical in attacking Prabowo’s personality, who had supported him in the DKI gubernatorial election.

This statement refers to Anies Baswedan’s appearance at the presidential candidate debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU) at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday (7/1/24) evening.

As a cadre of the Gerindra Party, Andre considers Anies to be like a peanut that has forgotten its shell, because Anies personally attacked presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto.

The figure who was the main supporter of Anies Baswedan’s victory in the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. “Mas Anies has lost his authority to speak about ethics in this debate.

“Because Pak Prabowo, the person who has been attacked by Mas Anies all this time, is the main figure supporting his victory in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election,” said Andre in his statement, Monday (8/1/2024) as reported by detikcom.

Andre said that Anies was also willing to lie to the public in order to gain power. First lie.

According to Andre, this was when the former Governor of DKI Jakarta touched on the case of the death of a 15 year old teenager named Harun Al Rasyid, which he said was unclear until now.

Harun, who Anies said was a supporter of Prabowo, was the victim who died in the riots in the Slipi area, West Jakarta, 22 May 2019.

Andre said that at that time Harun was still 15 years old, which means he did not have the right to vote.

He said the information was based on the confession of Harun’s parents.

“The explanation given by Harun Al Rasyid’s parents at the time of the incident was that he was 15 years old, he did not have the right to vote, in 2019 he was still in junior high school.

“Harun came there to witness, to see, so he is not a voter, he is not a supporter, nor is he a sympathizer, but he is the age of the children who were victims,” ​​explained Andre.

Furthermore, Andre said, Anies also lied regarding the Rp. 700 trillion spent on used defense equipment which was conveyed in the presidential candidate debate.

Andre explained, based on data from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense’s budget for the 2020-2024 period reached IDR 692.92 trillion.

From this budget, it is not only allocated to purchase defense equipment, but is also used for soldier welfare, research and human resource development.

“ Mas Anies also said that there was nothing secret in defense. “This is dangerous, as if we want to mortgage Indonesia’s safety and sovereignty,” said Andre.

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