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President Jokowi Inaugurated Siruaya Utamawan Daily Chairperson of MOI, Becomes the Supervisory Board of BPJS Kesehatan

President Jokowi Inaugurated Siruaya Utamawan Daily Chairperson of MOI, Becomes the Supervisory Board of BPJS Kesehatan

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

President Jokowi officially appointed Siruaya Utamawan as the BPJS Health Supervisory Board (Dewas) for the 2021-2026 term of office at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (22/2/2021).

Siruaya sits as Dewas after going through a series of tests by Pansel and fit and proper tests at the House of Representatives (DPR) representing workers’ elements.

Siruaya Utamawan, a man from Lampung who is also the Daily Chairperson of the Indonesian Online Media Association (MOI) was inaugurated after the President issued Decree Number 37 / P of 2021 concerning the Appointment of Membership of the Supervisory Board and Membership of the Board of Directors of the Health Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) for the period of 2021-2026 .

In addition to Siruaya Utamawan from the workers’ element, President Jokowi also appointed other Dewas BPJS Kesehatan from government elements, as Chairman of Dewas Achmad Yurianto and member of Regina Maria Wiwieng.

From the Worker Element, namely Indra Yana, the Employer Element Iftida Yasar and Indah Deryanie Hasman. Representing the Community Figure Element is H. Ibnu Naser Arrohimi. Then on the same occasion.

Also inaugurated by the Board of Directors of BPJS Kesehatan for the period of 2021-2026, namely the President Director, Ali Gideon Mukti, the Directors namely Andi Afdal, Arief Witjaksono Juwono Putro, David Bangun, Edwin Aristiawan, Lily Kresnowati, Mahlil Ruby and Mundiharto.

To the media, Siruaya Utamawan who is also the General Secretary of the PWMOI (Indonesian Online Media Journalists Association) said that he is ready to carry out the people’s mandate to oversee the performance of the BPJS Kesehatan Directors so that BPJS Kesehatan can provide better health services for participants.

He also said that he would build a network and communication with the existing Federation and Confederation of Workers Unions to obtain input for the improvement and improvement of BPJS Health services.

In addition, it opens information channels by utilizing social media and online media such as MOI and PWMOI. “This position is a mandate. For that I will do my best to supervise and improve the performance of BPJS Kesehatan.

For that we ask for the support of all parties so that what we all hope is to get better health services, “said Siruaya, who is also an activist for workers and laborers. (Ade Gunawan / pn)

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