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Said Zaki Iskandar, Head of the Center for the Study, What Regent Zaki has done in the development and management of coastal areas

Tangerang, posindonesianews.id

What Regent Zaki has done in the development and management of coastal areas can be a lesson for other countries and cities in the world

IPB University appreciates the development of coastal areas carried out by Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar in the coastal areas of Tangerang Regency. Octber, 27, 2022

“The implementation of ICM (integrated coastal management) at the site level in Tangerang is very good and quite successful,” said
Head of the Center for the Study of Coastal and Marine Resources (PKSPL) IPB University, Yonvitner, Thursday (27/10). 

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According to him, coastal management is not easy, especially in terms of communication and coordination.

Because coastal management must involve the role of local governments to the center.

“But with the ability and leadership of Regent Zaki, Tangerang is very good,” he said.

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Said Zaki Iskandar, Head of the Center for the Study, What Regent Zaki has done in the development and management of coastal areas can be a lesson for other countries and cities in the world.

“Tangerang is one of the role models of current coastal management practices besides Bontang,” he said.


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