Jakarta, posindonesianews.id
Finally, Polda Metro Jaya produced results in a 3 month investigation.
With the hard work of Polda Metro Jaya, the conclusion has now emerged that the FB chairman is a suspect in the alleged extortion case in the bribery case.
"This is the form of Polda Metro Jaya, working hard so that accomplished criminals are caught too," said Bambang Advokad LQ
SPECIAL The chairman of the KPK becomes a suspect in the extortion case of the former Minister of Agriculture.
Polda Metro Jaya appointed Commissioner General Firli Bahuri as chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission.
FB as suspect in extortion case against Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Thursday (23/11).
Former Minister of Agriculture after holding the case on Wednesday, November 22 2023 at 19 WIB.
Head of Public Relations Division of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, Advocate Bambang Hartono, SH, MH, in his written statement stated that the General Chairperson and Founder of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm had warned that Indonesia had entered the era of the legal mafia in his podcast.
"Instead of paying attention to Alvin Lim's criticism as a lawyer and lover of the nation," said Bambang.
In fact, Alvin Lim was silenced and thrown into prison when he mentioned that the Sarang Prosecutor's Office was a mafia.
Not long after, 2 leaders of the Bondowoso prosecutor's office were at the KPK OTT because of a bribery case.
Now the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission has even been named a suspect for blackmailing the Minister of Agriculture.
Is it unclear whether there is a law enforcement emergency in the Jokowi era?
"Jokowi should be embarrassed before the international community because the chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission is actually a mafia," he said.
Head of Public Relations Division of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm again reminded that Alvin Lim had mentioned the National Police Headquarters as a Mafia Nest.
"The chairman of the Corruption Eradication Committee, who was taken from the police, has now been proven to be a mafia and has been named a suspect for blackmailing a minister suspected of being involved in the case.
Instead of preventing and eradicating corruption, the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) actually blackmails and exploits suspected corruptors for his personal interests and profits.
The chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) still carries a culture and tradition in the police that often exploits the public.
"It would be better for police elements not to enter into the KPK for neutrality," he said.
LQ Indonesia Lawfirm as a leading law firm is concerned about the condition of law enforcement in Indonesia.
Founder of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, Advocate Alvin Lim, SH, MH, MSC, CFP often strongly criticizes and reminds the public of the large number of individuals in Law Enforcement Institutions and as a result, Alvin Lim was detained and silenced.
"God opened the eyes of the Indonesian people through the incident of Firli being named a suspect in extortion by Polda Metro Jaya," he said.
It would be good if Firli were immediately removed and dismissed as Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Committee.
It would be good if the KPK elements should not be taken from the police.
"The Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) should independently recruit investigators and leaders outside of the National Police so that they are not infected by the legal mafia virus," Closed Advocate Bambang Hartono, SH, MH
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