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Cowboy Police Shoot Dead A TNI and Two Civilians, IPW: Evidence that Jakarta is Starting to Be Unsafe

Cowboy Police Shoot Dead A TNI and Two Civilians, IPW: Evidence that Jakarta is Starting to Be Unsafe

West Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Chairperson of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presidium, Neta S Pane, said the brutal action allegedly carried out by cowboy police in Kalideres, West Jakarta on Thursday (25/02), then showed that Jakarta was becoming increasingly unsafe. In this brutal action, three people were shot dead and one was injured.

“We urge that police officers suspected of carrying out the shootings be sentenced to death and the West Jakarta Police Chief must immediately be removed from his post,” Neta told the media crew Thursday (25/02). According to Neta, there are two reasons why the West Jakarta Police Chief should be removed?

“First, as the person in charge of regional security, he allowed a cafe to be open until 04.00 WIB, even though he was currently in the middle of the Covid 19 pandemic,” said Neta.

“Second, the police chief paid little attention to the behavior of his subordinates, which resulted in a brutal incident that was allegedly committed by his subordinates in his own jurisdiction,” he added.

The shooting, which was allegedly carried out by members of the police, which resulted in 3 deaths and 1 injury, took place on Thursday, February 25, 2021, at around 04.30 WIB, at RM Kafe RT.12 / 04 Cengkareng Barat, West Jakarta.

“The perpetrator is suspected of having the initials CS a member of the West Jakarta Kalideres Police,” he said.

While the three victims who died were, SINURAT (Member of the Armed Forces / Security RM cafe), FERI SAUT SIMANJUNTAK (Bar Boy), and MANIK (Cashier RM Kafe). The wound is HUTAPEA (Manager of RM cafe).

In the shooting incident, there were three witnesses. RUSTAM EFFENDI (Bartender RM cafe), SAMSUL BAHRI (RM cafe security), and YAKUB MALIK (RM cafe security) (Indra / pn)

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