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Kalideres Police Reskrim, Brigadier Cornelius Siahaan was arrested after shooting three people

Kalideres Police Reskrim, Brigadier Cornelius Siahaan was arrested after shooting three people

West Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Kalideres Police Reskrim, Brigadier Cornelius Siahaan was arrested after shooting three people dead at a bar called RM Kafe located in Cengkareng Barat, Cengkareng, West Jakarta on Thursday (25/2/2021) in the morning.

According to the Chairperson of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presidium, Neta S Pane, this brutal action began when the perpetrator arrived at around 02.00 WIB with a friend named PEGI and immediately ordered a drink.

“Because the cafe was about to be closed and other customers had disbanded, then the perpetrator was billed for a beverage payment of Rp. 3,335,000. But the victim didn’t want to pay, ”he said.

Furthermore, the SINURAT victim as security reprimanded the perpetrator and a quarrel occurred. Suddenly the perpetrator took out a firearm and fired at the three victims in turn.

Then the perpetrator left the cafe while carrying a firearm in his right hand and was picked up by his friend by car. However, at this time the perpetrator has been arrested at the Kalideres Police, West Jakarta

“The perpetrator should be subject to the law of Human Rights (HAM) because he has lost the lives of other people, 3 at once”, said Dr. Yudi Nardi, M. SH, M.Ph, a Faculty of Law in Banten

According to Yudi Nardi, this person saw the incident, it is suspected that there was another motive. Are they just saying that?

“We hope that the Propam and Provos side will take firm action, that the perpetrators of the shooting of the 3 people must be resolved by human rights law, everyone wants to live, and wants freedom in looking for business,” he said. (indra / pn)

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