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Where are the 125 million cows in Kresek Village?

Where are the 125 million cows in Kresek Village?

Tangerang district, posindonesianews.id

The use of Village Funds from the center is busy being discussed by the Kresek Village community. This is because the head of Gapoktan H Sibro did not know about the village program for procuring 125 million cows.

I am still the leader of Gapoktan, I was not told that there was a cattle procurement program in Kresek Village, it was budgeted from the Village Fund. The head of the Kresek Village Farmer Group Association, Kresek District, Tangerang Regency, Haji Sibro was confused because he did not know at all.

This is because a number of people have asked about the use of the Rp. 125 million budget to buy cows in the 2020 budget year. The information obtained is that the detailed value is Rp. 125,868,500 for procuring cows and artificial insemination managed by the Association of Farmer Groups.

But in fact H Tibo Sibro as the head of Gapoktan who is still in office was not involved in this program by the Village Head at all.

“I really didn’t know this program existed. That’s why I was surprised when a number of parties asked me,” said H. Sibro when met at his house by the media crew.

Apart from that, said H Sibro, he also admitted that he did not know whether the funds had been realized or not. If it has been realized where the cow is. (Arfaiz / indra / pn)

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