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He hopes that the existence of this LKM can be accepted by the community and can provide the best and be able to make a positive contribution to society.

The Tangerang, posindonesianews.id

PT LKM Artha Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency held a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). The meeting was opened by Deputy Regent of Tangerang, H. Mad Romli in the Cituis Meeting Room, Regional Secretariat Building of Tangerang Regency, Wednesday (12/4/23).

Deputy Regent of Tangerang, H. Mad Romli said the GMS agenda was a process of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the realization of the previous year's budget as well as a medium for submitting work plans for the coming year.

"I hope that through this momentum a discussion can be held on the problems faced by PT LKM Artha Kerta Raharja as well as finding solutions in performance development. 

So that in the future PT LKM Artha Kerta Raharja can continue to develop its activities in order to achieve a better Tangerang Regency community," said H. Mad Romli.

He also emphasized that PT LKM Artha Kerta Raharja as an extension of the Regional Government must be able to synergize well through innovative financial services to the community. 

Especially in efforts to encourage quality improvement for micro and small businesses and be able to minimize various other social challenges related to social economic stability. public.

Meanwhile, Main Commissioner of PT LKM Artha Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency, Deny Hikmat said that currently his party has made improvements and improvements, 

Both organizationally and in business processes.

"Both the organization and business processes have made improvements, such as improving SOPs, improving financial performance and strengthening the audit system which is conducted regularly," said Deny.

He hopes that the existence of this LKM can be accepted by the community and can provide the best and be able to make a positive contribution to society. 

Especially in the economic sector and also the Tangerang Regency Government.

"So for this year, it is hoped that Artha Kerta Raharja LKM can immediately accelerate business, namely business development. 

Because the existence of LKM in Tangerang Regency is highly expected by the community, especially MSME players to get access to capital financing," he explained.

Diskominfo Tangerang Regency/Fn/nA Number : PR/ 231-DISKOMINFO/IV/2023 / postn

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