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Indonesia has succeeded in reducing deforestation by 75.03 percent in the 2019-2020 period

Indonesia has succeeded in reducing deforestation by 75.03 percent in the 2019-2020 period

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Indonesia has succeeded in reducing deforestation by 75.03 percent in the 2019-2020 period, reaching 115.46 thousand hectares. This figure is much lower than the 2018-2019 deforestation of 462.46 thousand ha. 

This data was released by the Directorate General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Ditjen PKTL KLHK), the is from jpnn

“This year, Indonesia’s forest reduction is relatively low and tends to be stable,” said Plt. PKTL Director General Ruandha Agung Sugardiman.

This data at the same time refutes allegations from a number of circles about the increase in deforestation during 2020. This is also proof of the consistency of the Indonesian government under President Joko Widodo’s leadership in reducing deforestation from year to year.

“This is evidence, not perception. This is the result of our hard work together so that the rate of deforestation can be reduced to its lowest point in history, “said Ruandha.

He ensured that the government’s commitment was also firm in the path of reducing deforestation as a source of reducing emissions. On the same occasion, the Director of Inventory and Monitoring of Forest Resources (IPSDH) of the Directorate General of PKTL.

Belinda A. Margono, explained that the reduction in deforestation is a net deforestation rate. This calculation of deforestation also includes both inside and outside Indonesia’s forest areas.

In accordance with technological developments, the calculation of the area in the 2011-2012 period is the result of net deforestation which has already considered reforestation activities (henri/risma/pn)

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