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Anton is a young businessman from Sumatra, who succeeded in becoming

Young entrepreneurs who are engaged in agate

Tangerang district, posindonesianews.id

Young entrepreneurs who are engaged in agate craftsmen. Agate is identical to the favorite collection of men and women. Friday (19/02/21)

Anton is a young businessman from Sumatra, who succeeded in becoming an agate boss, in Pasarkemis District. Tangerang Prop. Banten.

By opening an outlet in the Puri Jaya Pasar Kemis, selling various types of agate and fashion accessories for young people to look stylish, trendy these days.

With the knowledge and what he got from his friends, then at pasarkemis he founded an agate business. Even though now is not the era, but agate craftsmen have opened 3 branches of business.

With persistence in his efforts and without any tired words, he tried to have his work recognized by the agate lover community.

“We strive to create and often provide innovation and creativity and how our work is accepted by the community, especially in this market, and we also had time to order places that are fans of agate”, this was said by Anton, a craftsman and a young entrepreneur in the field. agate

He continued, he said, when he came in the afternoon, came home at night, and those were words of enthusiasm to try, without knowing the time and time of the broadcast.

“My enthusiasm arises because I don’t want to disappoint buyers and make sure customers are satisfied,” he explained to matapost.com (Ervin /henri/pn)

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