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Banten Police Chief Sowan To Padepokan Debus Surosowan Banten, Invites Banten Warriors

Banten Police Chief Sowan To Padepokan Debus Surosowan Banten, Invites Banten Warriors

City of Serang, Postabantennews.com

Banten Police Chief Inspector General of Police Drs Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho together with Deputy Regional Police Head of Banten Brigadier General Pol Ery Nursatari conducted a visit to Padepokan Debus Surosowan in Banten.

The arrival of the Banten Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Drs. Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho, together with the Deputy of the Banten Regional Police, Brigadier General Pol Ery Nursatari, to Padepokan Debus Surosowan aims to stay in touch with the Banten Swordsmen. Monday, (22/02/2021).

When met, the Head of Padepokan Debus Surosowan Banten H. Suminta expressed his gratitude for the arrival of the Banten Police Chief and the Banten Regional Police Chief at Padepokan Debus Surosowan Banten.

“I am very proud of the arrival of the Banten Police Chief, Inspector General of Police, Dr. Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho, together with the Deputy Head of Banten Regional Police, Brigadier General Pol Ery Nursatari, to our place. Because usually we come to the Banten Regional Police, but this time the Banten Police Chief is here,” said Suminta.

Furthermore, Chairman of Banten Pendekar Andika Hazrumy explained that the Banten Regional Police Chief and the Banten Deputy Regional Police have become a large family of Banten Warriors.

“I represent the big family of Padepokan Debus Surosowan Banten to thank the Banten Police Chief and the Banten Deputy Chief of Police here,” said Andika Hazrumy who is also Banten Deputy Governor.

“And just now we just saw the embedding of the Banten Pendekar shirt and machetes to the Banten Police Chief and the Banten Regional Police Chief, this is a sign that the Banten Police Chief and the Banten Regional Police Chief have legally become the extended family of Banten Pendekar,” said Andika Hazrumy.

He continued, Andika Hazrumy added that Pendekar Banten was ready to work together with the Banten Police. And we (Pendekar Banten-red) are ready to be solid and synergize with the TNI-Polri in maintaining Kamtibmas.

Meanwhile, the Head of Banten Regional Police, Inspector General Pol Dr Rudy Heriyanto Adi Nugroho, said that his visit to Padepokan Debus Surosowan was a form of friendship with the Banten Warriors.

“Today I deliberately came here to introduce myself and at the same time stay in touch with the Banten Warriors,” said Rudy Heriyanto. And I also express my gratitude for the welcome from the Banten Pendekar friends to me, “continued Rudy Heriyanto.

Rudy Heriyanto also asked for support and invited the Banten Pendekar to work together with the Banten Regional Police in maintaining security and security.

“I’ve only been a police chief for one and a half months, therefore I ask permission to entrust myself to the warriors, please take care of myself and my family, please guard my members, please guard my unity,” said Rudy Heriyanto.

He continued, he said, I also invite the Banten Warriors to work together with the Banten Police. I hope that our synergy will increase more than in the past years. And I have great respect for the Banten warriors, that’s why I must be here, “concluded Rudy Heriyanto. (Ade Gunawan / pn/Bidhumas)

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