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In addition, his party, together with partner organizations, also conducts research on the coast.

Tangerang, posindonesianews.id

President of Partnerships in Environmental Management for The Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Network of Local Governments (PNLG).

Le Quang Nam gave an online speech at the PNLG Forum 2022 event which was held at Atria Hotel Gading Serpong, Tangerang Regency, Wednesday (26/2020). 10/2022).

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He said that climate change could lead to abrasion and the threat of typhoons.

Le Quang Nam claimed to have a lot of experience in mitigating climate change.

According to him, abrasion and the emergence of typhoons are always caused by human behavior.

“We who are on the coast also understand what is happening right now,” he said during a speech at the Forum of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG).

Entitled Strengthening Coastal Resilience towards Sustainable Local Blue Economies, Wednesday (26/10/2022) .

In this forum, Le Quang talked about the dangers of climate change. He is well aware of the impact of climate change as a person living in Da Nang, Vietnam.

As a result of climate change, he said, typhoons are often encountered and increased erosion on the coast of Da Nang. Therefore, he cooperates with Asean organizations in overcoming this.

“We are also making shelters useful for survival due to the increase in typhoons,” he said.

In addition, his party, together with partner organizations, also conducts research on the coast.

This is done in order to provide a good defense for the region from the impact of climate change.


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