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On Saturday (27/2) the military junta fired Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations

On Saturday (27/2) the military junta fired Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations

Myanmar, posindonennews.com

On Saturday (27/2) the military junta fired Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations, Kyaw Moe Tan, for participating in condemning the coup overthrow of Aung San Suu Kyi. is from cnni

The wave of demonstrations in Myanmar has occurred since Coinciding with the coup, the military has justified itself by accusing it of fraud during the elections in November 2020. Suu Kyi won a landslide victory but the military junta promised new elections within one year.

The demonstrations escalated so that the authorities increased their strength through the use of tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets. But on Friday (26/2), Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations, Kyaw Moe Tan made an emotional call to the international community to

“take the strongest possible action To restore democracy.” “This revolution must win,” Kyaw said. while saluting three fingers, a symbol of resistance to the junta. Then on Saturday (27/2) night the government announced that Kyaw was no longer Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations.

According to the MRTV broadcast, Kyaw was considered to have disobeyed and betrayed the state, so he was fired. Meanwhile chaos rages across Yangon’s commercial center. Protesters spread to residential streets and built makeshift barricades from piles of tables and trash cans. They wear protective hats and gas masks.

“We want to fight until we win,” said Moe Moe (not his real name), one of the protesters. Police broke up another protest near a shopping center near Tamwe Township. 

Aye Myint Kyi, a mother, looks desperate. He said he had contacted the princess who would be brought. “I don’t know where he was taken. He was unjustly arrested,” she said tearfully. (henri/pn)

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