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The former president and CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation

The former president and CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation

Canada, posindonesianews.id

The former president and CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation and his wife are facing charges including failure to self-isolate after allegedly chartering a plane to a small town in western Canada and posing as local workers to receive the coronavirus vaccine. From is Cnni

Rodney and Ekaterina Baker have been charged under Yukon’s Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA), according to court documents.

Yukon Community Services Minister John Streicker said the couple showed up at a mobile clinic last Thursday in Beaver Creek, home to an indigenous community.

One of them presented a British Columbia health care card, the other had one from Ontario, Streicker said in a statement.

The Bakers weren’t charged for getting the vaccine. Rather, they were accused of not following quarantine requirements after arriving in the Canadian territory.

According to a charging document, the Bakers are from Vancouver, British Columbia, southeast of the Yukon territory.

“I am outraged by this selfish behaviour, and find it disturbing that people would choose to put fellow Canadians at risk in this manner,” Streicker said. “Reports allege these individuals were deceptive and violated emergency measures for their own advantage, which is completely unacceptable at any time, but especially during a public health crisis.”

CNN was unable Tuesday to reach the Bakers for comment. (andieni/henri/pn)

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