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The misery for millions caused by brutally cold weather and widespread

The misery for millions caused by brutally cold weather and widespread

Texas, posindonesianews.id

The misery for millions caused by brutally cold weather and widespread power outages in Texas is far from over, with freezing temperatures forecast again for Thursday.

But officials with the agency responsible for most of the state’s power system said the outlook was improving — and the number of outages.

“Thursday morning dropped by more than two-thirds since midday Wednesday, according to Poweroutage us.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the target of much of the anger over the power collapse”, said local utilities may be able to return to rotating outages instead of extended outages

 “by morning, We’re at a point in the restoration where we’re going to keep energizing circuits as fast as we safely can until we run out of available generation,” ERCOT Senior Director of System Operations Dan Woodfin said in a statement Wednesday night. “We hope to make significant progress overnight.“ said local

But relief still awaits many who have been stuck in freezing homes since Monday. (naris/henri/pn)

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