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Nearly millions of residents saw the party of the people of Kab. Tangerang, Banten. Today’s visit to Mauk Sisir Magruk will be inaugurated

Tangerang, posindonesianews.id.

Today, Wednesday (26/10) the celebration of the Regent of Tangerang, H. Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, will start at: 08.00 on the Mauk Coastal Beach.

Now the district level officials. Tangerang is heading and wants to pick up the invitees to Jakarta, and will be escorted to Patai Pesisir Mauk to open the Magruop event.

Nearly millions of residents saw the party of the people of Kab. Tangerang, Banten. Today’s visit to Mauk Sisir Magruk will be inaugurated by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and together with invited members of 11 countries, will be present.

Baca Juga : Gubenur Papua : Namun sebaliknya bila menyatakan tidak sehat, maka tim dokter akan memeriksa kesehatannya, KPK di jakarta.

“Hopefully the Mauk Coast of Tangerang Regency can be made into Magroup tourism, and will increase the income of the local community and will encourage the Regency’s revenue. Tangerang will also increase,” he said, H. Ahmed Zaki, the Regent of Tangerang.

Baca Juga : The defendant was proven guilty of his actions not proven to be criminal. (Osnlag) Tuesday 18 September 2022

According to Wardiman (54), a Mauk community leader, the coastal Mauk district North Tangerang will open up the economy of the Mauk community, in the eyes of the world, hopefully people’s income will increase as well.

“Indirectly, that the invitees from 11 countries, driven by the Tangerang Regency Government, have indirectly promoted the Mauk Coastal Area,” he told the media www.posindonesianews.id.

Henry / postn

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