The boy who drowned in the REBO market was found by a joint SAR team at SLIPI

The boy who drowned in the REBO market was found by a joint SAR team at SLIPI
The joint SAR team finally found the boy who drowned in the Ciliwung river and died on Friday (19/2) this evening at around 17.30 WIB. The victim, known as Gifahri (8), was found within a 25 KM radius from the scene and then immediately evacuated headed to RSCM for further processing.
“The joint SAR team this afternoon found the victim on the banks of the Ciliwung river around the Slipi area, West Jakarta, then immediately evacuated by officers to RSCM.” Said Hendra Sudirman, SE, M.Sc., Head of the Jakarta Search and Rescue Office as the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) in SAR operations.
Hendra also expressed his deep sorrow to the families of the victims for the tragedy experienced and his gratitude to all the SAR elements who had carried out SAR operations until the victim was found. Previously, the search on the second day was carried out by dividing the search area into 2 (two) where the first SRU
Carried out a search using a rubber boat from the location of the incident as far as 5 KM, the second SRU carried out a visual search by land from the location of the incident as far as 3 KM. elements that are members of the joint SAR team on today’s search, namely.
The Jakarta Search and Rescue Office, East Jakarta PPSU, Pekayon Village, Pasar Rebo Police, Koramil 03 Pasar Rebo, Pol pp Pasar Rebo District, Pmi Jakbar, East Jakarta Damkar, Sar mta, Palabaja, Faji, Pmi, Cat rescue, TRC BPBD DKI Jakarta, KCR, Shabawana Rescue, Pol PP kel pekayon.
Sarong bambon, Kancil, Lumi, Ream, river patrol, Fkdm (community early awareness communication forum), Kempala UT, Wahana Muda Indonesia, East Jakarta IEA and the local community. It is known that the victim named Gifahri (8) along with two friends were playing on the edge of the Ciliwung river.
Pekayon Village, Pasar Rebo District, Jakarta Timur on Thursday (18/2) around 15.53 WIB, the victim suddenly slipped and fell into the river, then the victim was carried away and drowned. With the discovery of the victim, the SAR operation was officially closed and all elements returned to their respective units. (henri permana/pn)