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The defendant was proven guilty of his actions not proven to be criminal. (Osnlag) Tuesday 18 September 2022

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

Oey Natjiee’s break-up was a hard slap for the Tangerang City Chief of Staff. The media crew’s predictions were right. 4 cases of acquittal. Tangerang.

Oey Natjiee Residents of prosperous Pondok Tegal Angus, Kampung Melayu sub-district / Teluk Naga, Tangerang Regency. In the acquittal (onslag) verdict by the panel of judges, Agus Iskandar SH MH,

The defendant was proven guilty of his actions not proven to be criminal. (Osnlag) Tuesday 18 September 2022.

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The defendant was charged with multiple articles by the public prosecutor Oktaviandi Samsurizal SH. violated article 266 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code article 263 (3 of the Criminal Code article 3 article 5, the Criminal Code.

Was demanded for 4 months in prison. His lawyers are Dedi Waluyo SH MH , and Wahyu Nugroho SH MH. When asked the panel of judges immediately answered yes. Meanwhile, the public prosecutor thought he would report to his superiors first. I just say Alhamdulillah.

The jury is keen to see this case. Cases that are not worthy of trial are forced. Said Dadi who is active as a lecturer at one of the universities in Tangerang.

According to Dadi, this is a unique case. The defendant was reported by his own nephew Gaou con gi / Agus Gunawan cs, the Reporting Party has filed a civil lawsuit at the Tangerang District Court, the judge’s decision lost. Cassation to the High Court upheld the judge’s decision, pn.

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The appeal was also rejected. Confirm the court judge’s decision. Suddenly there is a criminal case that goes up from the police investigator to the Prosecutor’s Office. This is a 2014 report case. And it has been 9 years, said Dadi.

It’s been 3 times the report can’t be processed. The last report was received immediately and at P21 after undergoing a tiring trial, all of the prosecution’s proofs were broken. Because there is no criminal element. In the acquittal of the defendant’s grandmother, Oey Natjiee,

Added a row of Sins Kajari Tangerang City. The prediction by the media crew that there will be 4 cases in the court’s prosecutor’s coverage of the court’s acquittal by the District Court Judge has been proven.

From the Customs Special Service case, which dragged the defendants Dicewati and Eka Rahman after prosecutor Mayang SH proved difficult in the trial, the panel of judges Rahman Raja Guguk SH MH decided that the two defendants who were being held in prison were not proven guilty of free brow (osnlag)

Arfaiz / henry / postn

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