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The delegation from 11 countries is planning to visit the Urban Aquaculture area in Ketapang Village, Mauk District

Tangerang – posindonesianews.id

A total of 11 countries in East Asia sent delegates to participate in this International Partnerships event Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia’s (PEMSEA), rabu (19/10)

Network of Local Governments (PNLG) which will be held on 26-28 October 2022, in Tangerang Regency.

11 East Asian Countries Send Delegates to Join PEMSEA in Tangerang Regency, the Banten.

The country is a member of the International Partnership forum concerned with environmental and marine management or PEMSEA.

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The delegation from 11 countries is planning to visit the Urban Aquaculture area in Ketapang Village, Mauk District,

Tangerang Regency to see the success of the Tangerang Regency Government in building coastal ecosystems. Starting from empowering coastal fishing communities to improving coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forest management in the village.

“There will be 11 East Asian countries that will later come to Tangerang Regency.

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Later there (Ketapng Urban Aqua Culture) the Regent will show the results of the development of coastal areas.

Especially to mangrove conservation which is the mainstay of Tangerang Regency as a coastal area revitalization project,” said Acting Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency, Tangerang Regency, Ujang Sudiartono, Monday ( 18/10/2022).

He said the delegates would also look at the facilities built for the welfare of the community, such as house renovations in Ketapang Village.

Currently, the construction process on the site has been completed approximately 90 percent. “We hope that the construction will be completed on time so.

That by the time the delegates who are members of PEMSEA come to Ketapang Village, all the facilities that will be displayed will be able to operate 100 percent,” he said.

(Diskominfo Kabupaten Tangerang / IQnA / henry / postn)

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