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Innalillahi wainnailaihi roojiuun. Has passed away to rahmatullah Ado Subiakto,

Innalillahi wainnailaihi roojiuun. Has passed away to rahmatullah Ado Subiakto,

Tangerang district, posindonesianews.id

 the staff of Sepatan District, Kab. Tangerang Banten Province, Alm. Only Kp Oja Rt 001/001 Disanganjaya Village, Sepatan District, Tuesday (02/03) this afternoon

According to news from the community, that the late did not have any pain. And heard from his family that the Alm. Often play ball.

Alm. Buried in the family grave, and not in a public burial place. Because he is not a covid-19 disease, a pure disease.

There is a possibility Alm. Heart disease. Hopefully his acts of worship can be accepted by Allah SWT and all his sins will be forgiven during his life and will be given courage and sincerity for the families who are left behind.

Amen amines yarobbal aalamin. Alm. Died did not have time to be taken to the hospital, he died at his residence. Alm. Close to peers.

“I was surprised that the late person was kind and got along with his peers, the person was not stiff with his peers,” said Dendi, a close friend.

According to Dendi, I initially did not believe that the late. Leave us. And so I was with friends from work, bro, mas, my friend, our late friend. Ado Subiakto died, cook.

“At first, I believed, didn’t believe. Yesterday with me playing football in the building, all of a sudden the late had left us all, his age is still easy “, he said (Dzaki Naufal/raja indra/pn)

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