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Panen Raya was attended by the Kapolres Metro Tangerang City Kombespol Deonijiu De Fatima, SIK., SH

Panen Raya was attended by the Kapolres Metro Tangerang City Kombespol Deonijiu De Fatima, SIK., SH

Tangerang Kab, posindonesianews.id

Panen Raya was attended by the Kapolres Metro Tangerang City Kombespol Deonijiu De Fatima, SIK., SH, Giat was also attended by Tangerang City Metro Police PJU, East Sepatan Sub-District Head, Sepatan Police Chief, Sepatan Military Command, Sepatan Police Chief, Sepatan Police Chief, Head of Gempol Sari Village, Binmas & Babinsa Village of Gempol Sari, as well as Farmers of Gempol Sari Village, recently

Panan Raya is located in Kp Malang RT 001/006, Gempolsari Village, Sepatan District, with 34 ha of productive rice fields, so it produces baras that have quality and can be eaten by all ages.

“Thank you very much was conveyed directly by AKBP IGusti Moh Sugiarto, SH Kapolsek Sepatan,” Thank you to the Tangerang City Police Chief and the invited guests who were present, before that I introduced the Malang Village Farmers Group, chaired by Obo.

With an agricultural area of ​​34 hectares, with 51 farmer members, the types in agriculture are Daily Farmers and Superior Farmers. For the rice harvest that will be harvested Raya is 115 tons. “Said AKP I Gusti Moh Sugiarto, SH Kapolsek Sepatan.

In addition, gratitude was also conveyed by Asep Nurman Jaenudin, Head of East Sepatan Sub-district for the successful and successful management of this harvest.

“Praise our gratitude for our blessings we are still able to attend the Raya harvest. Next, I would like to say welcome to the Tangerang City Metro Police Chief for coming to the East Sepatan Subdistrict. I hope the Chief of Police will be impressed during this visit to Kp Malang, Gempolsari Village. Nurman Jaenudin as Camatan East Sepatan.

In this case the head of the farmer group explained the formation of the farmer group, “We formed a farmer group on January 19, 2016 with a total of 51 members, during this pandemic we were assisted by AKP I Gusti Moh Sugiarto, SH.

AKBP IGusti Moch. Sugiarto Kapolsek Sepatan for marketing to markets and I would like to express my main thanks to Mr. AKBP I Gusti Moh Sugiarto, SH Kapolsek Sepatan who has been willing to foster us as a group of farmers, because he is always there for us, welcome to the Kapolres Metro Tangarang City at Our village and ask for guidance, “said Obo. (Henri / pn)

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