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The majority of the public knows that there has been a conflict in the Democratic Party (PD

The majority of the public knows that there has been a conflict in the Democratic Party (PD

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

The majority of the public knows that there has been a conflict in the Democratic Party (PD). This is known from the results of Charta Politika’s latest survey entitled Evaluation of Policies, Community Activities, and Political Maps for the First Quarter of 2021. As many as 51.9 percent of respondents knew that there was a conflict in PD. 

The remaining 23.1 percent of respondents did not know that there was a conflict in the party with the blue color. “The remaining 25.0 percent did not answer or did not know about the conflict in PD,” said Charta Politika Executive Director Yunarto Wijaya in presenting the results of his online survey on Sunday (28/3). 

The Charta Politika survey then asked respondents who knew about the conflict within the Democratic Party. 

Respondents who knew were asked about their attitude about the results of the PDL-Plague which appointed Moeldoko as the party chairman bearing the red and white triangle symbol. 

As many as 37.6 percent of respondents stated that they disagreed with the results of the KLB PD which stated Moeldoko as the general chairman. As many as 18.1 percent of respondents agreed with the results of the PD KLB in Deli Serdang. (henri / netty / pn / jpnn)

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