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The Opinion Image Polling Study (COPS) released the results of a survey which stated

The Opinion Image Polling Study (COPS) released the results of a survey which stated

Jakarta, posindonesianews.id

The Opinion Image Polling Study (COPS) released the results of a survey which stated that Budiman Sudjatmiko was one of the young politicians who was considered enough to contest the 2024 democratic party.

COPS Executive Director, Ziyad Falahi, in Jakarta, Tuesday, explained that COPS held a public opinion poll on the Electoral Dynamics of Young Politicians and Political Parties on 12-20 February 2021.

As a result, the names of PDIP politicians occupied the top positions, including Budiman Sudjatmiko who was in fourth place.

Ziyad Falahi explained that the COPS survey was followed by 1,300 respondents of Indonesian citizens who already have the right to vote in 2024, with a confidence level of 95 percent and a  margin of error of  approximately 2.8 percent. The survey method was telephone interviews, of which only 1,225 respondents could take the data and verify it again.

In 1-5, the survey results put Puan Maharani’s name in the top rank at 13.2 percent, followed by Ganjar Pranowo 8.2 percent, Anies Baswedan 8.1 percent, Budiman Sudjatmiko 7.2 percent, and Ridwan Kamil 6.2 percent .

The names of several other young leaders are Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono chosen by 5.5 percent of respondents, Muhaimin Iskandar 5.3 percent, and Erick Thohir 5.2 percent. (netty/indra/pn)

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